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Liens taggés comme : yiddish
YIVO Encyclopedia
Provides the most complete picture of the history and culture of Jews in Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their settlement in the region to the present. This website makes accurate, reliable, scholarly information about East European Jewish life accessible to everyone.Virtual klezmer
SaveTheMusic - The jewish music archive
you'll find thousands of songs, as well as valuable information about their performers and composers, the era they sounded aloud, comments and history of the songs and video clips. You'll also be able to listen to the songs and even buy the original recordings or new versions when - 2 décembre 2012 à 17:40
Tags : israel judeo-espagnol klezmer mp3 savethemusic shop yiddishJewish guitar chords
Wikipédia » Abraham Goldfaden
Abraham Goldfaden (or Avram Goldfaden) was an Ucrainian-born Jewish poet, playwright, stage director and actor in the languages Yiddish and Hebrew, author of some 40 plays. Goldfaden is considered the father of the Jewish modern - 6 février 2009 à 16:20
Tags : abraham goldfaden theatre yiddishMémoire juive et éducation
« Berceuses yiddish, images d’enfances et miroir d’une culture perdue », par Mireille Natanson (Docteur en musicologie, diplômée de kinésiologie musicale)Près de soixante ans après la Shoah, les berceuses yiddish nous chantent aujourd’hui encore l’histoire et la culture d’une communauté disparue. Leur contenu sociologique, psychologique, éducatif et leur couleur musicale spécifique en font un trésor émotionnel offert à ceux qui portent leur regard sur l’enfance.
Klezmerband A M'Chayeh » Sheet music
Yiddish american sheet music
scan of sheet musicZemerl
The interactive database of jewish - 15 novembre 2009 Ã 08:43
Tags : israel judeo-espagnol klezmer paroles traduction yiddish - The Jews Network