Распукала Шар Планина (Raspukala Šar Planina)
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Распукала Шар Планина
Raspukala Šar Planina
There was an avalanche on Šar Planina
- There was an avalanche on Šar Planina (a mountain range NW of Skopje) and three shepherds were buried alive. (lit. the mountain burst or cracked and covered up three shepherds.)
- The first shepherd pleads, “Let me go, Šar Planina. I have a wife who will mourn me”.
- The second shepherd pleads, “Let me go, Šar Planina. I have a sister who will mourn me”.
- The third shepherd pleads, “Let me go, Šar Planina. I have a mother who will mourn me”.
- The mountain answers:
- “The wife will mourn until midday.
- The sister will mourn until she leaves home.
- The mother will mourn unto the grave".