Lume, Lume

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Lume, Lume


Lume, lume, soră lume (2x)
Cînd să mă satur de tine (2x)
Lume, soră lume
Cînd s-o lăsa sec de pîine
Şi păhăruţul de mine
Lume, soră lume


Poate-atunci m-oi sătura (2x)
Cînd o suna scîndura (2x)
Lume, soră lume
Cînd m-or băga in mormînt
Şi n-oi mai fi pe pămînt
Lume, soră lume


C-aşa-i lumea trecătoare (2x)
Unul naÅŸte altul moare (2x)
Lume, soră lume
Ăl de naşte necăjeşte
Ä‚l de moare putrezeÅŸte
Lume, soră lume

English World, World


World, world, sister world (2x)
When will I have enough of you (2x)
World, sister world
When I give up bread for Lent
And the glass will give up on me
World, sister world


Maybe then I'll have enough of you (2x)
When they hammer the nails on my coffin (2x)
World, sister world
When they put me in my grave
And I won't be on earth anymore
World, sister world


'Cause that's how the world is, transient (2x)
One is born, another dies (2x)
World, sister world
The born one suffers
The dead one rots
World, sister world


Cind s-o lasa sec de piine - When I give up bread for Lent is a very loose translation. Romanians have "selective" fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays and certain periods of the year. Those days they give up meat for Lent, and anything of animal origin. However, bread is such a basic food in Romania that giving up bread for Lent would be unimaginable, and it doesn't exist as a tradition. A very exact translation of "When I give up bread for Lent" would be "never". Same with "when the glass will give up on me", which is meant to be the other way around, "when I give up drinking", which again has the meaning of "never".

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