Every line is sung twice / Chaque ligne est chantée 2 fois
Bun îi vinul ghiurghiuliu
- Bun îi vinul ghiurghiuliu
- Cules toamna prin tîrziu
- Mai pe brumă, mai pe-omăt
- Mult mai beu şi nu mă-mbăt
- M-am jurat că n-oi mai be
- Dar eu nu mă pot ţîne
- Bun îi vinul, bine-mi place
- Nu ÅŸtiu viei ce i-oi face
- Vinişor de poamă rară
- Se suie-n cap făr' de scară
- ViniÅŸor de boghi verzi
- Face pe om de nu-l vezi
- Bun îi vinul şi gustos
- Cind îl bei cu om frumos
- Dar de-l bei cu om urît
- Se opreşte vinu-n gît
Great is rose wine
- Great is rose wine
- Harvested in late autumn
- Some on frost, some on snow
- A lot I drink and I don't get drunk
- I swore not drink again
- But I cannot refrain
- Great is wine, and well I like it
- Don't know what I'm going to do to that vine
- Beloved wine, of a rare fruit
- Climbs to the head without a ladder
- Beloved wine of green grapes
- Makes the man so that you won't see him
- Great is wine and tasteful as well
- When you drink it with handsome people
- But if you drink it with ugly people
- The wine gets stuck in your throat
Cette chansons est une adaptation en 3/8 du Geampara Leliţă Ioană
Qui joue/chante ça ?