Armenian folk dances

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Copied from Wikipedia

  • Kochari (Քոչարի) - Kochari is one of the most popular dances of Armenians. Kochari is danced in a group of men and women and is known for its tune played on the zurna.
  • Shalakho(Շալախօ) - A dance for men from Ancient Armenia. It is performed in dance studios by men, but danced at public gatherings by women as well.
  • Tamzara (Թամզարա)
  • Yarkhushta (Յարխուշտա) - Yarkhushta is a martial dance from the Taron and Aghdznik regions of Western Armenia.
  • Berd (Բերդապար) - Berd is a dance famous for having a circle of men stand on the shoulders of another circle and rotate. Berd means "fortress" in Armenian and is named accordingly because of the shape the dancers make.
  • Shirkhani (Շիրխանի)
  • Harsnapar (Հարսնապար) - from the Armenian hars which means bride, and par which translates to dance. The bride is shown dancing a solo and may possibly feature the bridesmaids.
  • Artsvapar (Արծվապար) - a highland dance, associated with the eagle's flight, and an echo of ancient pagan rituals, one of the main elements of which was the image of an eagle (Arm. Արծիվ).
  • Gorani (Գորանի)
  • Gyond (Գյոնդ or Գյովնդ)
  • Menapar (Մենապար) - Menapar translates to "solo." It may feature a man or woman. Normally, if a man is the one dancing, the music will be fast-paced and in the case of a woman, a slower, more elegant music will play.
  • Nazpar (Նազպար)
  • Shurjpar (Շուրջպար)
  • Souserapar (Սուսերապար)
  • Papuri (Փափուռի)
  • Zuykpar (Զույգապար) - Zuykpar is a duet done by a man and woman. It features a liveliness to it and normally includes both dancers doing symmetrical movements.
  • Uzundara[4][5]
  • Ververi (Վերվերի)
  • Msho Khr (Մշոյ խըռ) - originated in the region of Մուշ (Moush).
  • Lorke (Լորկէ)
  • Tsakhkadzori (Ծաղկաձորի)
  • Karno kochari (Կարնոյ քոչարի) - Very similar to Kochari, originated in region of Կարին (Karin).
  • Ishkhanats par (Իշխանաց պար) - Also known as the "Lords' dance".
  • Fndzhan (Ֆնջան)
  • Kertsi (Քերծի)
  • Kajats khagh (Քաջաց խաղ)
  • Tamour agha (Թամուր աղա)
  • Trtghouk (Թրթռուկ)
  • Srabar (Սրաբար)
  • Asdvadzatsna (Աստուածածնայ պար)
  • Tars par (Թարս պար)
  • Loutki (Լուտկի)
  • Yerek votk (Երեք ոտք)
  • Tchotchk (Ճոճք)
  • Khnamineri par (Խնամիների պար)
  • Khosh bilazig (Խոշ բիլազիգ)

Regional dances

  • Arabkir (Արաբկիրի Պար) - A dance from the Armenian city of Arabkir.
  • Kesabian (Քեսապական) - The Kesabian dance came from the city of Kesab, Syria.
  • Laz bar - originated among the fishermen of the Black Sea
  • Moosh (or Muş, or Mus, Մշո Պար) - a mixed dance from the district of Moush/Taron, west of Lake Van.
  • Sasnapar (Սասնապար) - a popular dance common at weddings and other cultural gatherings. It originated in the city of Sasun.
  • Vagharshapatian (Վաղարշապատյան)- originated in Vagharshapat now known as Ejmiatsin.
  • Zeytouni (Զեյթունի պար) - originated in Zeytun.
  • Varaka Lerneri Bar
  • Lezginka Par
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