Ходила ми е Бояна (Hodila mi e Bojana)
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Ходила ми е Бояна
Hodila mi je Bojana
Bojana wandered
- Bojana wandered
- nine years as a hajduk
- On the tenth she became engaged
- to the young chieftain Mirčo.
- Bojana sat dawn
- to spin silk,
- to make fine wedding gifts
- to give to the warriors.
- Mirčo went into the forest
- to gather the company.
- There the Turks caught him
- They carried him off to Târnovo.
- When Bojana learned this,
- she threw off the tunic of silver.
- She put on the garb of a warrior,
- belted on her sword of Frankish steel.
- She reached the Turks
- and cut off their heads.
- Mirčo said to Bojana:
- "You are worthy of the chieftainship."
MIT Folk Dance Club Songbook