Три билбила појет (Tri bilbila pojet)
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Три билбила појет
Tri bilbila pojet
Three nightingales sing
- Three nightingales sing in a tree.
- The first nightingale sings about suppertime.
- The second nightingale sings about bedtime.
- The third nightingale sings about waking up.
- Oh, if I only know which nightingale sings
- which nightingale sings about suppertime,
- I'll feed him raisins.
- Oh, if I only know which nightingale sings
- which nightingale sings about bedtime,
- I'll give him red wine to drink.
- Oh, if I only know which nightingale sings
- which nightingale sings about waking up,
- I'll feed him black poison.