הוליעט הוליעט קינדערלאך (huliet huliet kinderlkh)

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Hulyet hulyet kinderlakh

Shpilt aykh libe kinderlakh
der friling shoyn bagint.
Oy vi bin ikh kinderlakh
mekane aykh atsind.
Hulyet hulyet kinderlakh,
kolsman ir zent nokh yung.
Vayl fun friling biz tsum
vinter iz a katsenshprung.
Shpilt aykh libe kinderlakh,
farzoymt keyn oygenblik,
nemt mikh oykh arayn in shpil,
fargint mir oykh dos glik.
Kukt nisht oyf mayn groyen kop,
tsi shtert ez aykh in shpil ?
Mayn neshome iz nokh yung,
vi tsurik mir yorn fil.
Mayn neshome iz nokh yung,
un geyt fun benkshaft oyz,
akh vi gern vil er zikh fun
alten guf aroyz.

English Play, play dear children

Play, play dear children
spring is about to begin
oh, dear children
how jealous I am of you!
Play, play dear children,
so long as you are young
because from spring to winter
is the jump of a cat.
Play, dear children,
don't waste a minute,
let me join in your game,
will you grant me this happiness?
Don't look at my grey head,
does that bother your game?
my soul is still young,
the way it was many years ago.
My soul is still young,
and is filled with longing
oh, how gladly it would
leave this old body!

Qui joue/chante ça ?

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